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A Deeply Confused Guided Meditation


So as I continue to expirement on my ASMR youtube channel, I have allowed more weird ideas to flow freely from within. The most recent idea being that of using artificial intelligence to create a deep guided meditation and it worked...sorta. It didn't give me too much text, so I wrote most of what this is, which was harder than I thought it would be. I listened to some other guided meditations by the great Michael Sealey and would randomly inject words he was using into my text.

I thought it would be funnier than maybe it was, and thought of the text as being a sort of parody /homage to him and his Meditations. That are indeed very relaxing. I wasn't sure what to call it, and originally wanted to title it something like "Not Michael Sealey", or "Michael Sealey Parody Meditation" partly because I wanted to mention a little about what I was trying to achieve with this, but I'll admit I kinda wanted to use the Sealey name to drive traffic to the video.

But because it wasn't enough of an obvious parody (and it kind of never was exactly supposed to parody him) I decided to try and figure out something else I could title this weird meditation. "Deeply Confused" seemed to be sorta right, maybe it should have been "deeply confusing"?

Oh well. I want to do a couple more of these and see what I can do. I actually started this weird journey with an idea of using ai to construct a meditation that turns into an alien abduction, so that and a meditation involving a beautiful unicorn running towards a magical castle constructed of rainbows on a beach should be the next two meditations that I construct... Oh yeah! and one last thing, all the images in the video were also ai constructed. Through the "Dream by Wombo" app. I didn't put any great prompt into it. Just something like deep galaxy or something and used one of their styles. But the video's not about the visuals, I just wanted something in the background while the video was playing.


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