So there I was, walking down the street in Pattaya, Thailand with a lady I'd met from a massage place. She asked me if I wanted to go out drinking after she got off work. I was trying to do like Jim Carrey in that one movie of his, "just say yes" or something like that. So, I said yes. I had already blabbed to this lady that I was sad about a girl working in a bar (yes, I am that kind of pathetic guy. I have a heart ok? And also emotional/mental issues that cause me to be a weirdo, but that's not what this post is about). So we went out got drunk and as we walked down the sidewalk she could see I was still being sad about this other girl and she looked at me and said, "Don't think too much, too much" and repeatedly stabbing me in the side of my forehead with her index finger. Yeah. She was right. I over thought everything, I obsessed, I worried. I still do.
I never thought I had much to tell anyone that wasn't already readily available elsewhere on the internet when it comes to travel shit, and I still kind of don't. However, I realize it doesn't really matter if I think I do or not. I'm in Chiang Mai, Thailand right now and someone I know from another country is planning on visiting and every once and a while I tell him something that he had no idea about that I didn't think was secret information and even though all the info is online on other people's websites and YouTube videos, I realize that he's not as obsessive as I am. And I also realize that he got some of the info he does know from a YouTube guy that I had never heard of. Well, if there's so many people saying the same thing, but still making some add dollars off this shit well, why shouldn't I (though, who knows if I'll ever make any money, right now this shit's free ya'll). And also, I'm sick of getting overloaded with information and I need a place to consolidate what I do know. I don't want to keep from cussing, I don't want to pretend to be nice all the time, so if you need that go somewhere else. I'll try and keep my name out of this site, though I doubt this will be one of those obsessed with bargirls type websites, but who knows I do like to overshare...